Yabancı Yazarlar Tarafından Yazılmış Türkçe Sözlüklerin İncelenmesi (13.Yüzyıl-20.Yüzyıl)


A dictionary is a work that presents and defines the words of a language in alphabetical order. The history of Turkish lexicography dates back to the 11th century. The work titled Divan-ü Lügat-it Türk, written by Kaşgarlı Mahmut in the year 1072 is considered the first dictionary and grammar book of the Turkish language. Since then, many scholars such as Ali Şir Nevai, Sümbülzade Vehbi, Ahmet Vefik Paşa, Muallim Naci, Mütercim Asım Efendi, Şemsettin Sami, E. Kemal Eyüboğlu, Ömer Asım Aksoy, Hüseyin Kazım Kadri have written Turkish dictionaries. Foreign authors have also contributed to the history of Turkish lexicography. The purpose of this article is to briefly discuss some dictionaries written by foreigners or by foreigners who lived in the geographical area of Turkey and learned Turkish during a certain period. For this purpose, a document analysis method was chosen, and the databases of Google Scholar and the National Thesis Center were searched. The research provides information about Turkish dictionaries written by foreign scholars in various fields from Italy to Russia, from Germany to France, from Iraq to Poland, from Hungary to Georgia, and introduces these workschronologically. In the end, 42 works were identified that were written by foreigners from the past to the present, either as Turkish dictionaries or containing Turkish dictionaries. Some of these works function as independent dictionaries, while others include grammar rules and the speech structure of the period. It was determined that some of the Turkish dictionaries written by foreigners were intended for economic, commercial, and military purposes, while others were written for missionary work, education, and teaching Turkish speech structure.

Turkish Dictionary, Foreigners, Lexicographgy